Praying At Home
Brother Lawrence was a Carmelite monk in the mid 17th century, most famous to us for his simple but profound piece of writing: 'The Practice of the Presence of God'.
Practicing the presence of God is about living in the reality that 'bidden or not bidden God is present'.
As Moses discovered, God is with us, the Great I Am, but it is possible to miss Him.
Don't overlook the very holy ground you stand upon.
Another Carmelite, this time a nun, St Teresa of Ávila is credited with the words:
'God walks among the pots and pans, he is with us in our daily tasks and chores.'
May you find glory in the kitchen, glory in the hall, glory in the living room, the dining room and all, glory in the bathroom, glory in the bedroom, glory in the garage, glory in the lounge - the glory of the Lord's all over the house.
(ref. Godfrey Birtill - Are You Ready, Ready, Ready)